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Sunday, September 19, 2010


I had a doctor appointment this week. Too much weight gained this month. :( Nurse thinks I'm retaining water. I failed my 1 hr glucose test and had to go back for the 3 hr. Keep your fingers crossed for me! And Cailin is measuring a week ahead right now. She's a big girl. I don't know the exact measurements cause it was just a quick u/s by my doctor, but he didn't seem too concerned. I go back for an ultrasound to take all her weight/height measurements in a month (and get 3D pics!). Can't wait.

I finally found a diaper bag. It's a Carters brand. Matches our pink and brown polka dot "theme".

Husband started painting the nursery. I'll keep the blog updated with that.

Um... We went to see Paramore in concert this week. It was okay. I say that because it's what I expected it to be. Tons of little girls screaming. Sucked because I couldn't really hear the band over the sea of 15 year olds. But it was to be expected. At least the venue had seats and I could sit. haha

How far along? 26 wks

Total Weight Gain? Ugh. I had a spike in weight gain this month. 8lbs in one month! Yikes! So that brings me to a total of 19lbs... Nurse says she thinks some of it is water weight though cause I look "puffy" like i'm retaining water. Maybe she's just trying to be nice. haha

Maternity Clothes? yep

Stretch Marks? 6 itchy thick ones that continue to grow.

Sleep? sleep is pretty good. I wake up in the middle of the night completely awake at times and then can't fall back asleep for hours. Don't know what's causing that, but she's not keeping me awake at night yet.

Best Moment This Week? Paramore concert with my friends. Womens expo with my mom.

Movement? Feeling new stuff like rolling, and for the first time she hurt me a little today. It felt like she stretched her leg or butt or something out and it felt like she was pinching a nerve or something. My belly was protruding a bit, and was hard on the one side. She responds to my voice now too! I love that. I say good morning to her when I wake up in the morning and she kicks back. LOVE!

Food Cravings? nothing in paticular

Gender? GIRL!!!!

Labor signs? no effing thank you!

Belly Button? still in but shallow

What I Miss?

What I Am Looking Forward To? my third (THIRD!) trimester starts next week!

Weekly Wisdom? um...... i don't like this question.

Milestones? we're in the double digits! 99 days to go!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Gah! I HAVE to have this!

I saw these at Gymboree this weekend and I was SO close to buy it. But even at 60% off it was still over $15! For the shirt. The dress was like $20. So I passed on it. Cause that just seems way too much for a shirt. And we were on our way to the Carters sale, so I knew I was going to be spending money on her.

But how cute?! I picture a day at the dog park, Cailin on my lap, Lily running around doing her thing and Gizzy laying there like the big fat lump he is. Maybe Lily wearing a red polka dot matching collar? Ugh. I have to have it.

Or this.

Or both...?