This one turned out ok. It's the only one I got of her without her ears back, because I'm saying, "Noooo! Lily! Stay! Sit! Noooooo!" and I'm pushing 3 other dogs away and yelling at one of the big ones because she is curious and wants to know what's going on while getting all up in my picture and ruining it. Ack!
This one looks pretty much like last year's. He can't keep his eyes open because of the flash. His face makes me laugh.
(Gizmo last year)
2 seconds later, this happened...
And this is Bob. Bob is awesome. He's not mine, but I wish he were. He's Husband's BFF's dog, who is staying with us right now. Bob really is the coolest dog you'll ever meet. He's such a lover. I let him borrow Gizmo's scarf. He looks scared. haha